The Auburn Police Department's Sex Offender Monitoring Program

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) reports that the number of registered sex offenders in the United States has increased by nearly a quarter in the last five years. The total in the most recent survey was 747,408, up from 606,816 in 2006, the first year NCMEC did a count.

Unfortunately, sex crimes are very common in the US. The Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) estimates that one in every five girls and one in every seven boys are sexually abused by the time they reach adulthood. One in six adult women and one in thirty-three adult men experience an attempted or completed sexual assault. CSOM also reports that sex offenses represent less than 1% of all arrests.

The first sex offender registry was created in California in 1947. Today, every state has such a registry. Most convicted offenders live in the community under probation or parole supervision. According to CSOM, approximately 150,000 adult sex offenders are currently in state/federal prisons. Between 10,000 - 20,000 are released each year. Experts estimate that countless numbers of convicted sex offenders are unaccounted for across the country, with law enforcement unable to find or track their whereabouts.

In 2006, the Auburn PD implemented a “one-to-one” sex offender monitoring program where each patrol officer is assigned a sex offender to check on and monitor. An integral part of the program is the neighbor/community notification process. At least once a month, APD officers verify the offenders’ residences and look for violations. Sex offender notification flyers are distributed to neighbors.

In 2016, the City of Auburn had an average of 45 registered sex offenders. The current count stands at 47.

Link to Maine Sex Offender Registry:

new sex offender ordinance in the city of auburn

On February 6, 2017, the Auburn City Council approved a new city ordinance regarding sex offenders living in Auburn. This ordinance is based on Maine State law, which restricts where certain offenders can live. This ordinance does not apply to ALL sex offenders - it is dependent upon the nature of the crime for which the offender was convicted (victim under a certain age).

The residency restrictions pertain primarily to areas around public and private schools and all city-owned parks.

Click HERE to view Auburn's new "Sex Offender Residence" ordinance.

Click HERE to view the letter sent to owners of multi-family properties within Auburn.

Below is a map showing the Sex Offender Restricted Areas. To take a closer look, click on "View Larger Map" at the bottom.