Auburn’s Community Development programing offers various public service, public infrastructure, and hazard reduction programs. These are funded in part by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), and the Office of Lead Hazard Control (OLHCHH) funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). CDBG funds have been used to assist with improvements to public facilities such as streets, sidewalks, development of parks, extension of public service, rehabilitation of housing and commercial properties, economic development, and public services. HOME funds are earmarked specifically for the development of new affordable housing units. OLHCHH funds are used for the remediation of lead hazards in residential housing.
For general inquiries, please email
These are various Homeowner and Landlord Rehab programs, but these programs share the same application, as some projects may qualify for multiple programs simultaneously. Please create an account within Neighborly to apply for one of the available programs.
For income qualificatio nand rent limits listed within program guidelines, please reference the PY23 CDBG/HOME Income & Rent Limit table.
Auburn Community Food Pantry Program
Draft Application for Winter Oaks Funding
Lead Abatement Rehab
Select this application if you are looking to remove lead based paint hazards from your home or rental unit.
Rental-Unit Rehab (Tenant)Select this application if you are renting a residential unit and your landlord has asked you to complete a tenant qualification application. Click here to start a new application
207.333.6601 ext. 1159
Deputy Director of Business & Community Development
Phone: 207.333.6601 ext. 1336
Executive Assistant to the Director of Business & Community Development
207.333.6601 ext. 1157
General Assistance Manager
207.333.6601 ext. 1411
LEAD Coordinator
207.333.6601 ext. 1337
Public Health Manager
Business & Community Development Finance Manager
207.333.6601 ext. 1330
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