The purpose of the Community Development Loan Committee is to provide guidance to the Community Development staff, review and make amendments of program guidelines, review loan applications for conformance with established criteria, and award or deny loans based on prudent lending and public benefit consideration. The Committee's objective is to improve the general condition of Auburn's residential and commercial structures by promoting rehabilitation, to provide a means of undertaking home improvements to assist low income households, to foster home ownership, and to eliminate blighting influences in Auburn's Target Area.
Membership of the Committee shall consist of seven (7) City of Auburn residents of which two (2) shall have housing and/or commercial lending experience. The Auburn City Council shall appoint Committee members for a term of three (3) years.
Dana Bonenfant |
10/01/2020 |
Christopher Bouchard |
10/01/2020 |
Christopher Brann |
10/01/2021 |
Nikki Chabot |
10/01/2022 |
Celia McGuckian |
10/01/2021 |
Ann Parker |
10/01/2022 |
Vacant |
12/10/2019 Postponed
Meetings are typically held the first Friday of every month at 8:15 AM.
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