The following special land classifications are available to qualifying property owners. Owners who choose one of these classifications are eligible for a reduction in the assessment of the qualified land.
Tree Growth:
Lot must contain a minimum of 10 acres of forest land; a forest management and harvest plan must be prepared by a licensed professional forester and updated every 10 years; the land must be used primarily for the growth of trees to be harvested for commercial use.
Lot must contain a minimum of 5 acres; the land must be used for farming, agriculture or horticultural activities; the sale of agricultural products from the farmland must contribute a minimum of $2000 per year to the property owners’ gross income; income verification must be filed with the Assessor every five years.
Open Space:
No minimum lot size required; the land must be preserved or restricted in use to provide a public benefit by conserving scenic resources, enhancing public recreation opportunities, promoting game management or preserving wildlife or wildlife habitat.
For more information on all these programs you may contact the Assessing Department at 333-661 ext 1118 or visit the State of Maine, Maine Revenue Services website for information and applications: Current Land Use Programs link
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