PUBLIC MEETING - Water Rate Increase

  • START: Thursday, January 16, 2020 5:00 PM
  • END: Thursday, January 16, 2020 6:00 PM
  • LOCATION: Community Room, second floor of Auburn Hall


The Auburn Water District is proposing an increase in current water rates to become effective March 1, 2020. The
current rates have been in effect since March 1, 2017. The proposed rates provide a revenue increase of 14.92%,
totaling $558,410. The total revenue increase will be implemented by a user rate increase of 13.7%, and a public
fire protection increase of23.97%.

The minimum water bill would increase from $42.45 per quarter to $48.27 per quarter. The average residential
water customer, using approximately 8,000 cubic feet/yr., will experience an increase of$8.78 (13.7 percent) each

Under the new rates, the minimum water bill would increase 6 cents per day.
The average residential bill would increase 10 cents per day.

Estimated increases by customer class are as follows. Percentages are averages by class. Individual amounts may
vary according to usage.

  • Residential $ 212,263 13.7%
  • Commercial 71,843 13.7%
  • Industrial 43,830 13.7%
  • Governmental 20,568 13.7%
  • Public Fire Protection 158,122 23.97%
  • Private Fire Protection 51,785 13.7%

The proposed rates are designed to produce sufficient revenue to cover operation and maintenance expenses as
well as increases in debt service, depreciation, and increased capital improvements.

A public hearing, pursuant to 35-A MRSA § 6104, will be held on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 5:00p.m. in the
Community Room at the Auburn City Building, 60 Court Street. The hearing will give customers the opportunity
to testify, pose questions, and make comments regarding the proposed water rate increase.

You may inspect data relating to the present and proposed rates at the District's office before the hearing. The
Public Advocate is available for assistance to you in the matter upon request. The Public Utilities Commission
may be contacted at 287-3831, State House Station 18, Augusta, ME 04333; or the Public Advocate at (207) 624-
3687, State House Station 112, Augusta, ME 04333. You have the right to an open and fair hearing and the right
to further hearings before the Commission.

If within 30 days of the public hearing, 15% of the customers of the District file with the Treasurer of the District
and the Commission petitions demanding a review of the rate changes by the Commission, the rate change may
be suspended, investigated, reviewed, and changed in accordance with Section 310. Signatures on the petition are
invalid unless accompanied by the printed name and address of the signers. Upon request the District will provide
customers. with the appropriate petition forms.

Materials supporting the water rate change are available at the District's office, 268 Court Street, Auburn,
Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Customers have the right and are
encouraged to review these materials and to request information relating to present and proposed rates.

Please see our website at for more information on the proposed rate adjustment.


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